Before moving to Spain, I had a meager experiment in the study of foreign languages. Comparative success I have achieved exclusively in the study of the British business style at the university. And even he was safely thrown into the evaporation movement for years as unnecessary. At the age of 29, fate threw me to Spain, where I had reason to learn a completely new invented language for me.
Everything that I read on the global Internet on the live forums found in Spain after six months before moving:
Guishpan is an infinitely lightweight language.
In three months it is possible to learn to speak nimbly without having to learn the syllable on purpose.
The Spaniards will gladly help you, sometimes they will see you, but no, you are trying to hollow out their tongue.
Ingenious grammar and the like.
As it turns out, some of the endorsements ultimately do not fit the realistic arrangement of things. More details about this all - about the cut.
How I Prepared for the Pesky Research
We were preparing for the reason for the move in advance, I decided to acclimatize the basics of Spanish, which helped me with a video for YouTube via Polyglot. I quickly looked through them: I remembered no more than 10 promises and the views of the declension of ingenuous verbs in the present tense. The strangeness did not bother me, but I was waiting in Spain for language courses for the same, in my turn.
Sometimes you initiate to train the Gishpan language, it seems that everything else is too bad, even for those who have problems with the humanities. Only two weeks after the start of teaching, I could at least explain myself with the teacher after home and training questions. But after two months it became clear that I was happy early.
The general problem: tenses in the Spanish syllable
In the Spanish syllable, 14 to 18 tenses are accentuated, seven of which are complex compound ones. This wealth is always conjugated in 4 moods: imperative, subjunctive, relative and indicative.
Presente de Indicativo;
Pretérito Indefinido;
Pretérito Imperfecto de Indicativo;
Pretérito Perfecto de Indicativo;
Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Indicativo;
Pretérito Anterior de Indicativo;
Futuro Simple de Indicativo;
Futuro Perfecto de Indicativo.
Imperativo Afirmativo;
Imperativo Negativo.
Relative inclination:
Condicional Simple;
Condicional Perfecto.
Subjunctive mood:
Presente de Subjuntivo;
Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo;
Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo;
Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo;
Futuro Simple de Subjuntivo;
Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.
If you compare it with the Russian language, because in the great and powerful, experimenters emphasize from 10 to 16 times. But more often only three basic forms are used: the future, the past and the present. In the Spanish syllable, the tenses are always used with temperament after throwing out two, which can only be noticed in official documents - Futuro Simple de Subjuntivo and Futuro Perfecto de Subjuntivo.
For those who study Spanish, the extremum of 12 times is pulled out to study, most of which I did not even know existed. Is it possible not to torture yourself and talk using three simple tenses? In addition, you are more likely to be understood. But whether you understand what they will answer you is another question. Undoubtedly, it is not enough to dispose of exclusively ingenuous times in colloquial spanish. If a person wants to join Spanish society, to find a service, that is to say, he plans to study.
In my project on the eve of the move, two main points stuck out: to study the syllable for six months and immediately after the courses to start studying at the university, at the same time pulling up Spanish. Only two months later, after moving, I realized that my order had crumbled to dust. Without tremendous inclinations to fasten foreign words in passing and memorize them from the main time, there is no chance of learning to satisfactorily assert in Spanish in six months. Therefore, having buried my hopes, I signed up for an additional multi-month character and at the same time hired a tutor for 2-3 hours a week.
In the first six months for study I retired every day after 5 to 7 times with homework. After all this, as I signed up for the newly invented character and began to accurately exercise with the teacher, I went to the Spanish origin up to 10 times every day. It was this perfect deepening and crazy learning tact. Against all my efforts, I spent six months in order to start talking to people for the street.
Subjunctive omission and other singularities
And at this point, our team moved on to the study of the subjunctive mood. From the very first lesson, the veil was lifted that we should accordingly abandon everything that we had trained before, and start training first, taking into account the subjuntivo. In the Russian syllable yes there is a subjunctive mood, but in a very unassuming figure - for example, "I would have been born with you in a movie, but I will be busy." It is this "would" that forms some modality of the verb, in other words, it orientates the speaker for emotion and desire.
The Spaniards are an infinitely sensitive people, they have a subjunctive omission in all gossip and in almost all times. It is rather difficult for a Russian person to comprehend the principle and logic of his consumption. For example, my friend from Italy did not have to learn decently, causality in the Italian syllable is the same approach. And I'm still racking my brains before saying something in the subjunctive mood.
And in order to slam the topic with Spanish verbs, I will only say, they are inclined by faces and numbers, as in the Russian language. For example, the unassuming verb "comer" (from Spanish for "is") will be conjugated in the following manner in all tenses:
It looks intimidating, but this is an unassuming verb, with which there are naturally no problems. Conjugation rules sometimes activate difficulties, if only the skill of needing few abnormal verbs. But there are few of them, and every minute they are modified after the set principles, which are free to remember.
Speaking of Spanish syntax and phonetics, here I, I would say, rested. He was a little boss, and they are mastered in the course of the educational process by themselves. In many cases, words are read smoothly in the same spirit, written in their turn, after throwing out the evaporation of the rules. For example, the h chord is not pronounced - this letter in the word must be simply let out (why is it needed then? “LL” is constantly read not as a double “l”, but as “d.” It seems that such throw-outs are easy to remember.
For those who study Spanish, the extremum of 12 times is pulled out to study, most of which I did not even know existed. Is it possible not to torture yourself and talk using three simple tenses? In addition, you are more likely to be understood. But whether you understand what they will answer you is another question. Undoubtedly, it is not enough to dispose of exclusively ingenuous times in colloquial spanish. If a person wants to join Spanish society, to find a service, that is to say, he plans to study.
In my project on the eve of the move, two main points stuck out: to study the syllable for six months and immediately after the courses to start studying at the university, at the same time pulling up Spanish. Only two months later, after moving, I realized that my order had crumbled to dust. Without tremendous inclinations to fasten foreign words in passing and memorize them from the main time, there is no chance of learning to satisfactorily assert in Spanish in six months. Therefore, having buried my hopes, I signed up for an additional multi-month character and at the same time hired a tutor for 2-3 hours a week.
In the first six months for study I retired every day after 5 to 7 times with homework. After all this, as I signed up for the newly invented character and began to accurately exercise with the teacher, I went to the Spanish origin up to 10 times every day. It was this perfect deepening and crazy learning tact. Against all my efforts, I spent six months in order to start talking to people for the street.
Subjunctive omission and other singularities
And at this point, our team moved on to the study of the subjunctive mood. From the very first lesson, the veil was lifted that we should accordingly abandon everything that we had trained before, and start training first, taking into account the subjuntivo. In the Russian syllable yes there is a subjunctive mood, but in a very unassuming figure - for example, "I would have been born with you in a movie, but I will be busy." It is this "would" that forms some modality of the verb, in other words, it orientates the speaker for emotion and desire.
The Spaniards are an infinitely sensitive people, they have a subjunctive omission in all gossip and in almost all times. It is rather difficult for a Russian person to comprehend the principle and logic of his consumption. For example, my friend from Italy did not have to learn decently, causality in the Italian syllable is the same approach. And I'm still racking my brains before saying something in the subjunctive mood.
And in order to slam the topic with Spanish verbs, I will only say, they are inclined by faces and numbers, as in the Russian language. For example, the unassuming verb "comer" (from Spanish for "is") will be conjugated in the following manner in all tenses:
It looks intimidating, but this is an unassuming verb, with which there are naturally no problems. Conjugation rules sometimes activate difficulties, if only the skill of needing few abnormal verbs. But there are few of them, and every minute they are modified after the set principles, which are free to remember.
Speaking of Spanish syntax and phonetics, here I, I would say, rested. He was a little boss, and they are mastered in the course of the educational process by themselves. In many cases, words are read smoothly in the same spirit, written in their turn, after throwing out the evaporation of the rules. For example, the h chord is not pronounced - this letter in the word must be simply let out (why is it needed then? “LL” is constantly read not as a double “l”, but as “d.” It seems that such throw-outs are easy to remember.
The order of promises in Spanish sentences is simple, and there will be no problems with it either. In some figurative books, exclusively by Spanish creators of the half of the previous century, endlessly long sentences with a gigantic number of adjectives and adverbs are encountered every minute. It happens that by the end of the sentence you already forget what was there at the beginning.
The Gishpan dialect froze to me not as quickly and malleable as it might like for the first glance. I admit that someone would overcome the language barrier earlier, but I had no opportunity to force myself to speak, knowing that I was doing it wrong.
Guishpan dialect in Andalusia
Even in spite of the fact that some Spaniards frankly helped me in teaching, it often intensified additional difficulties. And all the causality, it is useful to train Castilian Gishpan at the same time as the dialect, some emitted in the province where you live.
I am in Andalusia where Spanish enrolled in a specialized form. I idolize her as "village". Strange as it may seem, a remote Russian village, where people say "einy" and choose to explain the well-wisher with a friend infinitely loudly, increasing the tone at the end of each phrase: "Lyudk, and Lyudk, did you give the pigs? ... Hence, they speak impeccably here too. Thanks to this singularity and the manner of pronouncing promises by the inhabitants of Andalusia, endlessly, I could not tie up a run for spanish
It is extreme to hand over that despondency, sometimes after language courses you go out into the fresh air you cannot analyze everything between the mash of sounds and words. And it's not a matter of specific slang, some to consume in Andalusia and what is not in dictionaries, but in the pattern of pronunciation of words, swallowing endings, reductions and a very noble speed with which sentences are swung out directly from others. For example, the popular fiction “buenos días”, or “good morning,” is pronounced in Andalusia with an infinitely agile and truncated version. In general, it comes out for some reason "wen! And communication with elderly people still activates some suffering in me. A similar situation is with young people in 10 to 25 years, who have their own way of communicating and an immense supply of bike words.
In the course of adaptation, it turned out that the manner of communication and the Andalusian dialect differs from metropolis to metropolis and from village to village. Indeed, even in a border suburb, some are located a kilometer from the place where I live, the inhabitants speak somewhat differently. This seriously complicates the task, and even immediately, I sometimes understand what I am being told if the surrounding dialect has gone.
This is what can be said about the writing style of most Spaniards. As if on purpose, I am a member of several maternal chat rooms, causation my kids are being trained in aboriginal school. Impeccably half of the guardians scribble correctly, using the solemn Gishpan dialect during correspondence and sometimes placing commas for better understanding. And some information every minute compels you to put up the cup, the reason is to quietly and intensively analyze abbreviations, illiterate scribbled words, and internally put dots where they do not interfere. Every minute, only after a responsible analysis of the information, it becomes clear that it does not carry any useful information for anyone, turning off the sender himself.
Loudly, the difficulties that were tied and are being tied for me for this path, the Spaniards do not at all refuse to confirm the phrase or begin to assert a little more slowly for the sake of the success of communication. Valid constantly, this is accompanied by a warning smile. But, in my opinion, the "hospitality" of the Spaniards is considerably exaggerated due to the multiple responses of tourists. But I will scribble about this at other times.
The Gishpan dialect froze to me not as quickly and malleable as it might like for the first glance. I admit that someone would overcome the language barrier earlier, but I had no opportunity to force myself to speak, knowing that I was doing it wrong.
Guishpan dialect in Andalusia
Even in spite of the fact that some Spaniards frankly helped me in teaching, it often intensified additional difficulties. And all the causality, it is useful to train Castilian Gishpan at the same time as the dialect, some emitted in the province where you live.
I am in Andalusia where Spanish enrolled in a specialized form. I idolize her as "village". Strange as it may seem, a remote Russian village, where people say "einy" and choose to explain the well-wisher with a friend infinitely loudly, increasing the tone at the end of each phrase: "Lyudk, and Lyudk, did you give the pigs? ... Hence, they speak impeccably here too. Thanks to this singularity and the manner of pronouncing promises by the inhabitants of Andalusia, endlessly, I could not tie up a run for spanish
It is extreme to hand over that despondency, sometimes after language courses you go out into the fresh air you cannot analyze everything between the mash of sounds and words. And it's not a matter of specific slang, some to consume in Andalusia and what is not in dictionaries, but in the pattern of pronunciation of words, swallowing endings, reductions and a very noble speed with which sentences are swung out directly from others. For example, the popular fiction “buenos días”, or “good morning,” is pronounced in Andalusia with an infinitely agile and truncated version. In general, it comes out for some reason "wen! And communication with elderly people still activates some suffering in me. A similar situation is with young people in 10 to 25 years, who have their own way of communicating and an immense supply of bike words.
In the course of adaptation, it turned out that the manner of communication and the Andalusian dialect differs from metropolis to metropolis and from village to village. Indeed, even in a border suburb, some are located a kilometer from the place where I live, the inhabitants speak somewhat differently. This seriously complicates the task, and even immediately, I sometimes understand what I am being told if the surrounding dialect has gone.
This is what can be said about the writing style of most Spaniards. As if on purpose, I am a member of several maternal chat rooms, causation my kids are being trained in aboriginal school. Impeccably half of the guardians scribble correctly, using the solemn Gishpan dialect during correspondence and sometimes placing commas for better understanding. And some information every minute compels you to put up the cup, the reason is to quietly and intensively analyze abbreviations, illiterate scribbled words, and internally put dots where they do not interfere. Every minute, only after a responsible analysis of the information, it becomes clear that it does not carry any useful information for anyone, turning off the sender himself.
Loudly, the difficulties that were tied and are being tied for me for this path, the Spaniards do not at all refuse to confirm the phrase or begin to assert a little more slowly for the sake of the success of communication. Valid constantly, this is accompanied by a warning smile. But, in my opinion, the "hospitality" of the Spaniards is considerably exaggerated due to the multiple responses of tourists. But I will scribble about this at other times.
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