How absorption schemes are adapting in the energy sector

 From that moment on the origin of energy as an independent service of the industry, its fundamental problem was the issue of generating, first of all, galvanic energy. Once, the idea of ​​cogeneration (district heating) gained popularity, and the general chamber of galvanic and thermal energy, freezing with a freshly baked turn of the industry's generation, acquired the status of a classic one. The next step in the evolution of energy was the production of frost along with hot and electricity.

If it is more and more less clear with cogeneration, then trigeneration (a simultaneous chamber of electricity, heat and cold), however, has not pretended to be innovative for a long time, it still activates every minute, if not questions, because there is some misunderstanding in the sense of using it for huge enterprises heat power engineering. In this note, I will consider where and for which not so much cold is used, but also in a holistic absorption scheme for a power plant (ES).

The formation of technologies and the general trend for energy efficiency in the industry also hooked the energy industry, in which warmth and electricity spent for personal needs were constantly considered an inexhaustible resource due to low cost and availability, valid in undivided quantities.

Using the example of power plants with which the First Engineer brotherhood operates, the employees and I can indicate the unconditional progress of interest in resource conservation. As recently as 3-4 years ago, most of our plans in the energy sector were focused on increasing the strength of systems, but today most of the calls are combined with the tasks of increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption for their own needs. One of the most promising, in our opinion, methods to reduce the use of initial energy resources are absorption technologies, which allow more comprehensive utilization of heat generated in the cycle of power plants (heat and power generating enterprises of the industry are always symbolically included in the material: from simple hot water boilers and small CHPs to Station and already nuclear power plant). This applies to both high-potential flows (superheated steam, exhaust winds of jet plants), as well as low-potential flows (recycled water, used steam, outgoing boilers winds).

ABHM and frost generation

Absorption circuits are, first of all, a frost chamber with the use of ABCM (absorption lithium bromide freezers). The principle of the ABHM service is based on the use of thermal energy, but not electrical energy. Since for energy items it is warmly available to fill up with something like a parasha of various parameters, more passionate than water, in other words, combustion provisions, it is precisely this intelligibility that reveals extensive abilities for the sake of connecting ABHM into the ES cycle.

Naturally, the production of frost for power plants (with temperatures lower than that of atmospheric air) is performed on a relatively small scale and, as a rule, for the following purposes:

air conditioning of premises with constant or periodic presence of people;
air conditioning of premises with increased heat generation from equipment located in them.

With all this, galvanic air conditioners and steam jet freezers are usually used.

Cooling down of scientific and technical equipment using water circulation cycles with cooling towers cannot be relegated to cold generation systems, since they do not produce cold, but release additional warmth into the environment. With all this, the outgoing fever of cold water does not exceed the temperature of the spirit on a wet thermometer.

Above all, a soothing cooling tower pattern is needed for the service of the absorption chiller (dumping excess low grade waste heat). But since there is no flaw in the cooling vane for energy enterprises (especially in the summer, sometimes the energy equipment is underutilized, and the cooling towers are not functioning at full capacity), because the device of additional cooling towers is maliciously not required for ABHM, they use the existing circulating water (cooling water), choosing freezing car near its parameters.

Increasing the boundaries of conventional methods of using freezing equipment for power plants, it is possible to distribute three general methods of using ABCM at energy enterprises:

cooling of scientific and technical equipment and air conditioning of premises;
cooling the spirit at the inlet to the gas turbine compressor;
concentrated refrigeration supply.

Cooling of scientific and technical equipment and air conditioning of premises

In accordance with the fact that freshly baked circuits and equipment are arriving in the energy sector, the conditions for the conditions of its operation are increasing, for auxiliary systems ensuring its trouble-free operation, including the cooling system. Cooling down is required both for the executive elements of scientific and technical equipment, as well as for equipment that owns a noble level of heat release, located in separate rooms with maintaining a microclimate (automation systems, control systems, server equipment, and so on.

In industrial buildings in places of long-term stay of operating personnel, in administrative and utility rooms, providing a comfortable temperature can be maintained by a concentrated arrangement of refrigeration on the basis of ABHM.

Personnel of similar systems:

absorption chiller,
construction of sorting pipelines,

Cooled in the ABHM solvent (for the needs of conditioning, an ordinary thermal diagram is held for a level of 7-12 ° C) by means of a branching bond of pipelines is supplied to the internal blocks of industrial conditioning (fan coil units) located in the premises. The cool solvent is heated in the fan coil heat exchangers, cools the air passing through them, and is returned to the chiller for secondary cooling.

Cooling down the spirit at the entrance to the GTU compressor

To maintain the course of combustion, the combustible in the combustion chamber of a reactive design (GTU) requires continuous oxygen delivery. A weightless compressor, installed on the same shaft as a gas turbine, guarantees the compression of oxygen-concentrated atmospheric air supplied to the gas turbine combustion chamber. Initially, the spirit studies a fair amount of filtration steps in a complex air-cleaning device (KVOU) for filters for advanced and fine cleaning.

In relation to the electrical overload of the turbine in its combustion chamber, food is required for a certain amount of air. However, at an unheated moment, the fever of the encircling sphere soars that the saturation of the atmospheric spirit clearly falls, and which leads to the "starvation" of the fuel combustion, to a decrease in the size of the exhaust gases turning the blades of the gas turbine. As a result - the fall of the galvanic power of the GTU by 20-30% through the nominal one.

The forcible cooling of the cyclic spirit in the KVOU allows the turbine service to be returned to its regular schedule with the release of great power even during abnormally noble temperatures of the surrounding environment. With this target, additional heat exchange planes are inserted into the KVOU (or the existing heat exchangers are modified for new ones), inside which the solvent circulates, that is, the water-glycol mixture cooled in the ABCM.

It is possible to utilize not only hot water and steam from the turbine extraction, but also the heat of the exhaust gases of the GTU itself, as a heating spring ABKhM. The analysis of the heating spring depends on its availability, features and constructive implementation of the general equipment, cost price. Finally, the desirability of introducing the cooling cycle spirit of the gas turbine unit is determined by the size of the underproduction of electricity and the related national economic consequences (fines, shortfalls came through the sale of electricity, etc.), the scheme for connecting the ABHM, the frequency of its service and some autochthonous agreements (including climatic ).

Concentrated refrigeration supply

In the last 10-15 flights, the use of absorption freezers for the purpose of concentrated refrigeration supply to external customers with the use of additional heat from enterprises has developed rapidly in Sweden, Finland, France, Germany, Half-Day Korea, China and many other countries. In most cases, a cool solvent (with a temperature of 5-7 ° C) is used for the needs of air conditioning office buildings, hospitals, malls, sports and exhibition complexes, and some public infrastructure items. For newly designed plots with residential buildings, the design of a concentrated refrigeration supply is often worked out.

A similar entrance makes it possible to drastically reduce the load on the electrical infrastructure of megalopolises in the summer, sometimes a fundamental amount of energy consumption is required for the equipment of air conditioning and refrigeration systems. Consequently, the authority of local power systems of sections and whole cities increases, the risk of the origin of car accidents is lowered due to overloads in the power grids during the hours of maximum loads. That's all this without significant costs and modernization of the existing power system.

In operation, such arrangements are not at all more difficult than an ordinary heating network: the same main pipelines (direct and return lines), autochthonous points for regulating frost parameters and business accounting, sorting ties (by consumers), instead of heating radiators, fan coil units.

if sometimes separate buyers are asked for more perfect cooling (5 ° C and below), the buyer is asked to organize an internal circulation silhouette with electric chillers, which will cool the coolant in the silhouette before sufficient parameters.

In order to dismiss the length of installations of refrigeration systems, ABHM can be installed closer to customers - in district boiler houses, that is, thermal points, using hot network water near this as a heating source.

ABTN and heat generation

Another area of ​​the ABHM is plowing in the system of the thermal pump. Absorbing temperature hose (ABTN) by the type of service is no different from ABHM. In short, it is possible to correct the low-potential of the warmly flue gases of boiler structures and even warmly circulating water in the ABTN and broadcast more to the heated clot (network water), saving in this manner for fuel. Taking into account the fact that a calming pattern is not required for the operation of a thermal pump (its significance is carried out by a low-potential flow, which is warmly used to heat the heating network), the energy consumption for its operation is even lower than that of ABHM.

As you know, the production of heat in the power industry, given to the side, is usually performed in two forms:

something like warm water for the needs of heating and hot water supply (with the use of mesh water heaters and steam taken from the flow path of steam turbines, that is, with the use of hot water boilers);
something like a parasha for the need for industrial enterprises (directly from boilers with preliminary reduction, that is, from the turbine industrial sampling).

By utilizing the worked-out heat, which is naturally thrown off into the environment, absorption thermal pumps allow to increase the overall efficiency of the power plant, increasing the unlimited use of the heat of the combusted fuel. With all this, the following goals are being achieved, blocking the planting of ABTN at the enterprise:

reduction of the flue gas temperature of boilers,
multiplying the heat output of the ES,
deepening of the temperature strength of the existing heating network.

Reduction of boiler flue gas temperature

Cooling down of flue gases beyond 100 ° C is not carried out in a standardized manner due to the precipitation of acidic condensate in the convective part of the boiler and further along the path (in the gas ducts and chimney), which leads to their corrosion and premature failure. Naturally outgoing winds of the boilers erupt into the atmosphere with a temperature of 120-180 ° C.

When performing a system of measures that will allow you to turn off the negative counteraction of corrosive processes (more about this in my previous article "Ecology with benefit: Processing of flue gas heat"), the cooling of flue gases to the dew point temperature and then leads to the loss of NOx and SOx from them into condensate option. Consequently, the cleaning of flue gases from harmful emissions into the surrounding environment is performed, the environmental friendliness of production is increased and an extremely perfect and beneficial use of the heat of the exhaust gases is achieved.

Gas cooling with the use of ABTN can be quite perfect - up to 30 and even 20 ° C. The acquired heat is sufficient, in order to fool some water for the various needs of the power plant, including heating grid water.

In addition to fuel economy, which is possible to connect 5 ÷ 10%, the efficiency of the boiler device also increases - up to 2 ÷ 3%.