If we say in ingenuous language, then the main installation within the framework of fame management is to hide all the negative away, and promote the positive so that, therefore, it is to the user, some is fond of this or some company, or a product, that is, a person.
In order to immediately separate the feasible aeronegative and the hate after touching on this article, there will be no question of customized responses. Here I will outline in general terms the principle of action of any of the instruments. Some of them are used on a scale of other directions, any exclusively at the disposal of fame on the Internet.On the eve of reading, please note that this source appears to be purely a story about how fame regulation affects corporate lines. If you indulge in specifics, then the material threatens to become extremely impressive.
What is reputation regulation made of?
So, if we say about the most general devices in the framework of reputation management, it would be preferable to structure them in two directions, such as the subscriber support service and the formation of a controlled zone.
There are two main areas of payment for customer support:
- Forecast of mentions on the Internet.
- Reacting to mentions.
Here, from the names of the devices, it is possible to freely determine after what they answer. The forecast is carried out, in most cases, by means of YouScan and Brand Analytics. The general directive is to detect mentions of a company that ask for conclusion or attention. Such a negative may exist, which is worth responding to from an official representative, a discrepancy with a product or service / order, information about which should be presented to the subscription support industry. In addition, there may be an ordinary note or advice on the work of the brew and the improvement of the service, which should also be taken into account.
With responsiveness, the conjuncture is impeccably the same simple. You take an unloading from the forecasting arrangement and see for which devil you need to answer. Possible match from both faces of the official representative, that way, and from the faces of the client, but this is a few nigger work, which may also be that way prodelyvat within reputation management.
Establishing an info field
In this case, the size of the services and the abundance of devices are larger than those of the customer support service. If in the main case plowing is directed, as a rule, to work with existing ones, then when generating an information field, the setting is quite different. The subject of the action will be an eventual client, some of whom are familiar with your company / product now, as if they are with competitors, and today he wants to choose whom to actually contact.
It should be taken into account that in addition to ordinary advertising and PR, consuming apparently-invisibly special methods, one of which we are talking about.
SERM (Search Engine Reputation Management)
Many who are devoted to this topic insofar as it is in detail, call "Serm" one hundred percent complex of reputation management, but this is not so. SERM responds only after the establishment of the issue, and more specifically for the promotion of positive resources in the visible area, thereby displacing negative ones. Plowing occurs according to brand demand and reputation (brand / product + reviews). This is done, first of all, due to the increase in behavioral and social moments on these very resources. In addition, I will again consume a number of details for promotion, but I will not go into them.
In general, within the SERM, it is necessary to understand that the speech agrees on the actual reputation queries, which can be found in "company + reviews", "company", "product + review", "person's name", etc. It sounds simple enough, but quite often, sometimes they want to write out regulation by reputation, they orientate the required question, I suppose, "mounting scale reviews".
SMRM (Social Media Reputation Management)
In its turn, it will be authoritative to provide from the name, this toolkit responds to the management of fame in public media.
This includes classic SMM, some of which function in conjunction with ORM and the client's preconceptions are worked out. However, this is not all. At the disposal of fame to consume infinitely frequent activities of creating controlled resources, which can be relegated to SERM, similar to SMRM. In between these resources, consume the following:
- Feedback sites (satellite sites), which are used to post responses about any positive multi-brand, that is, a group of goods. Immediately, they are already far differently relevant, as if a few years ago, since the buyer's confidence could hardly be baked into by means of a resource known exclusively to one company. It is possible to tinker with deeper reviews, however, for the sake of agreeing only the content for him and the technical specification itself and the composition of the site, it will take a significant amount of time, effort, and funds.
- Articles. They are used for more popular product reviews, that is, the company's service. In most cases, these are the same semi-advertising articles that the companies themselves scribble about themselves, it will be exclusively published through the faces of a client who has long had an experiment of service with a company or using a product. In most cases, 2-3 notes are located in the base of the reputation services, after which they are already moving into the tested zone.
- Blogs. In fact, this is exactly the same thing as articles, only a blog is captured by one and articles are placed on it with a set frequency. It is not clear how, it is also promoted into the visible area.
- Categories of responses and judgments in social networks. Here VK only grasps denser, where a similar group is signed, in which fraternity it is possible to inherit a return association with respect to their work, and, of course, easily moderate it.
I myself will note that groups and satellite sites are losing their relevance, but until now some are inflamed by their creation and maintenance.
In fact, the fundamental and most significant tool if the brethren are thoroughly functioning over their reputation. It is not so important whether the contractor or the company itself, which follows the reputation, is selling it, but the unloading, as if as a rule, is collected once a day, after which it is now possible to notice and decide, there is nothing to do with all the references.
The most important thing is to set up a well-adjusted monitoring system so that not a single mention, the more negative, could slip out except for attention. It is necessary to work out all the semantics in great detail, only this is essential for the sake of brands and products with famous names.
Yes, it happens endlessly every minute, sometimes in the response that is, the comments do not contain the name of the company. In such a case, it is possible to treat by hand a small resource cartel. It would be best to arrest the TOP 10, or exclusively the company's social network, although, in this case, this intersects with the SMM department.
React to be mentioned
One of the most general tools, some responds after a still fresh aeronegative, that is, the rest of the mentions that ask attention.
It is necessary to understand, and if we are talking about the negative, then it should be split into constructive and far-fetched. It’s one thing, sometimes a visitor bought your product, he met an alliance or consumed some painful space, and the consumer scribbled about it in a social bond, that is to say otzovik and put everything on the shelves. Here it is more than logical to respond to the message, if you find it through the streamlined monitoring.
Differ, if such an ordinary rude provocative hate review, where there are no arguments and indications of shortcomings, and the text is filled with obscenities and far-fetched facts. In this case, it is preferable either not to react, or to do it in a big way on behalf of the brand evangelist, some will intercede and be able to force the discussion (if, of course, this can be called a discussion).
In its turn, it will be authoritative to provide from the name, this toolkit responds to the management of fame in public media.
This includes classic SMM, some of which function in conjunction with ORM and the client's preconceptions are worked out. However, this is not all. At the disposal of fame to consume infinitely frequent activities of creating controlled resources, which can be relegated to SERM, similar to SMRM. In between these resources, consume the following:
- Feedback sites (satellite sites), which are used to post responses about any positive multi-brand, that is, a group of goods. Immediately, they are already far differently relevant, as if a few years ago, since the buyer's confidence could hardly be baked into by means of a resource known exclusively to one company. It is possible to tinker with deeper reviews, however, for the sake of agreeing only the content for him and the technical specification itself and the composition of the site, it will take a significant amount of time, effort, and funds.
- Articles. They are used for more popular product reviews, that is, the company's service. In most cases, these are the same semi-advertising articles that the companies themselves scribble about themselves, it will be exclusively published through the faces of a client who has long had an experiment of service with a company or using a product. In most cases, 2-3 notes are located in the base of the reputation services, after which they are already moving into the tested zone.
- Blogs. In fact, this is exactly the same thing as articles, only a blog is captured by one and articles are placed on it with a set frequency. It is not clear how, it is also promoted into the visible area.
- Categories of responses and judgments in social networks. Here VK only grasps denser, where a similar group is signed, in which fraternity it is possible to inherit a return association with respect to their work, and, of course, easily moderate it.
I myself will note that groups and satellite sites are losing their relevance, but until now some are inflamed by their creation and maintenance.
In fact, the fundamental and most significant tool if the brethren are thoroughly functioning over their reputation. It is not so important whether the contractor or the company itself, which follows the reputation, is selling it, but the unloading, as if as a rule, is collected once a day, after which it is now possible to notice and decide, there is nothing to do with all the references.
The most important thing is to set up a well-adjusted monitoring system so that not a single mention, the more negative, could slip out except for attention. It is necessary to work out all the semantics in great detail, only this is essential for the sake of brands and products with famous names.
Yes, it happens endlessly every minute, sometimes in the response that is, the comments do not contain the name of the company. In such a case, it is possible to treat by hand a small resource cartel. It would be best to arrest the TOP 10, or exclusively the company's social network, although, in this case, this intersects with the SMM department.
React to be mentioned
One of the most general tools, some responds after a still fresh aeronegative, that is, the rest of the mentions that ask attention.
It is necessary to understand, and if we are talking about the negative, then it should be split into constructive and far-fetched. It’s one thing, sometimes a visitor bought your product, he met an alliance or consumed some painful space, and the consumer scribbled about it in a social bond, that is to say otzovik and put everything on the shelves. Here it is more than logical to respond to the message, if you find it through the streamlined monitoring.
Differ, if such an ordinary rude provocative hate review, where there are no arguments and indications of shortcomings, and the text is filled with obscenities and far-fetched facts. In this case, it is preferable either not to react, or to do it in a big way on behalf of the brand evangelist, some will intercede and be able to force the discussion (if, of course, this can be called a discussion).
How to have a conversation with the creator of fruitful negativity?
First of all, it is essential to understand, and if you decide to write out the regulation of reputation, because at first the distributor will chase you like a small child with clarifications in what manner it is worthwhile to correspond to this or that negative. By the way, during the main month, a diagram of reactions will be collected, where all the nuances of communication with a client, types of responses, and a feasible counter negative should exist.
Sometimes the enumeration has already been found, you should immediately find out the details of what exactly is the root cause of such dissatisfaction, unless, of course, this is not clear from the message itself.
After that, the extremum in the two notifications will switch the conversation to personal information, that is, to the mail, so that the entire investigation of the events does not take place in front of everyone. If you managed to do this, everything is fine, the plowing is done. Further now it depends on the support service.
It is possible to ask the question: “Why is it all without exception, if it is possible to simply hand over a greeting to the support service? The protest is quite elementary - in this case, it is important that users, including those who have thrown out indignation for a prominent place, create a vital communication, which will make it clear that the sampled companies are the same for their client. Support work, in most cases, responds in an extremely dispassionate and scripted manner, which is why it does not have the same effect.
Direction of adverse responses
Having recited this title, you probably thought that the speech agrees to delete everything, but it was not there. At worst, it makes no sense to tinker for two reasons:
In the wrong scenario, aeronegative is possible to inherit tremendous publicity.
You will not be able to send everything.
It is worth trying to send aeronegative exclusively for trust sites, the moderation of which is possible and will be directed to the dialogue, which is important, first of all, your personal reputation. It is precisely to consume these same trust resources, which are seized within the framework of placement, if you write out regulation by reputation. They are rather complicated in terms of placement, even if the analysis keeps an obvious client. There is nothing to do about pulling out reviews, because the presence of responsible and impartial arguments, which is why this or another analysis seems to be ordered and not from your client, the source is quite possible to thoroughly analyze the lamentation and remove the analysis, that is, an unfavorable comment.
Already such, at first glance, sound and service complaints may lead to a new swell of negativity, if a toast agrees on resources that seem thin and aimed at negativity. The market for incriminating evidence in Russia itself has been formed wow (If all of them say this word in time). It is this that seems to be the main factor, because similar portals and sites will unleash the situation about the fact that someone scrawled them with a request to send it any other aeronegative, that is, compromising evidence.
It is preferable not to touch such repertoires, but to release them below, where a small abundance of users will experience it.
How to build a reputation at the start?
Let's examine the entrance to the formation of the outfit for the sake of the company, which exclusively goes to the market.
It is not clear how, mainly, this direction is significant for brands, which are preferable to operate on the Internet, that is, their implementation depends on discussion on social networks and word of mouth.
So, let's say that there are brothers "X", which exclusively streamlined and tuned business processes and begins their activities. It is important for her that the client, sometimes picking up between her and more popular competitors, chose her proper. Otherwise, it is important, they decided to write out the regulation of fame, that is to say, to develop it ourselves, depends solely on the possibilities, both organizational and financial. Yes, tell about yourself in terms of reputation?
First of all, you need to know that if the brethren are engaged, say, in the creation of refrigerators, then forming the issue after business inquiries, I suppose “to buy a refrigerator” is generally impossible. Our attitude is brand and reputation queries, in other words "brand name" and "brand name + reviews".
First of all, it is essential to understand, and if you decide to write out the regulation of reputation, because at first the distributor will chase you like a small child with clarifications in what manner it is worthwhile to correspond to this or that negative. By the way, during the main month, a diagram of reactions will be collected, where all the nuances of communication with a client, types of responses, and a feasible counter negative should exist.
Sometimes the enumeration has already been found, you should immediately find out the details of what exactly is the root cause of such dissatisfaction, unless, of course, this is not clear from the message itself.
After that, the extremum in the two notifications will switch the conversation to personal information, that is, to the mail, so that the entire investigation of the events does not take place in front of everyone. If you managed to do this, everything is fine, the plowing is done. Further now it depends on the support service.
It is possible to ask the question: “Why is it all without exception, if it is possible to simply hand over a greeting to the support service? The protest is quite elementary - in this case, it is important that users, including those who have thrown out indignation for a prominent place, create a vital communication, which will make it clear that the sampled companies are the same for their client. Support work, in most cases, responds in an extremely dispassionate and scripted manner, which is why it does not have the same effect.
Direction of adverse responses
Having recited this title, you probably thought that the speech agrees to delete everything, but it was not there. At worst, it makes no sense to tinker for two reasons:
In the wrong scenario, aeronegative is possible to inherit tremendous publicity.
You will not be able to send everything.
It is worth trying to send aeronegative exclusively for trust sites, the moderation of which is possible and will be directed to the dialogue, which is important, first of all, your personal reputation. It is precisely to consume these same trust resources, which are seized within the framework of placement, if you write out regulation by reputation. They are rather complicated in terms of placement, even if the analysis keeps an obvious client. There is nothing to do about pulling out reviews, because the presence of responsible and impartial arguments, which is why this or another analysis seems to be ordered and not from your client, the source is quite possible to thoroughly analyze the lamentation and remove the analysis, that is, an unfavorable comment.
Already such, at first glance, sound and service complaints may lead to a new swell of negativity, if a toast agrees on resources that seem thin and aimed at negativity. The market for incriminating evidence in Russia itself has been formed wow (If all of them say this word in time). It is this that seems to be the main factor, because similar portals and sites will unleash the situation about the fact that someone scrawled them with a request to send it any other aeronegative, that is, compromising evidence.
It is preferable not to touch such repertoires, but to release them below, where a small abundance of users will experience it.
How to build a reputation at the start?
Let's examine the entrance to the formation of the outfit for the sake of the company, which exclusively goes to the market.
It is not clear how, mainly, this direction is significant for brands, which are preferable to operate on the Internet, that is, their implementation depends on discussion on social networks and word of mouth.
So, let's say that there are brothers "X", which exclusively streamlined and tuned business processes and begins their activities. It is important for her that the client, sometimes picking up between her and more popular competitors, chose her proper. Otherwise, it is important, they decided to write out the regulation of fame, that is to say, to develop it ourselves, depends solely on the possibilities, both organizational and financial. Yes, tell about yourself in terms of reputation?
First of all, you need to know that if the brethren are engaged, say, in the creation of refrigerators, then forming the issue after business inquiries, I suppose “to buy a refrigerator” is generally impossible. Our attitude is brand and reputation queries, in other words "brand name" and "brand name + reviews".
We regulate the info field
It is here to this day easier, after the last measure, if the conjuncture is not neglected. In this case, the most magnificent and most important thing is monitoring. It will help not so much on the scale of reputation management, but also to understand the entrepreneurial spirit of the users of the mash on the Internet, where they say a lot about you, which channels of attracting an audience seem to be more successful, and where to consume drawdowns.
Sometimes you know that somewhere you have scribbled something that disgraces the corporate picture, and even more so, if this is a client's problem, some wants to insist on its solution - pay him and resolve it. It is essential to tinker it not like outdated machines with ingenuous scripts, but to conduct a good communication with a person in order to conclude a problem, gradually, as if he wrote above, lead the conversation for the mail, into his own information, except further.
In addition, it is infinitely not advised to always reshoot the time to the support service. Not long ago I saw that on one of the popular marketplaces a store selling covers for phones and laptops responded to all responses with a message, I suppose "Thank you after the review, your opinion is infinitely important to us." Everything would not be so sad if there were no such conclusions on the negative and reviews in a certain star. Looked at it, you know, insofar as it is good.
With the right scenario and the appropriate basis for the trouble about your outfit on the global Internet, you can get by with “little blood” to the limit and create such an information field, which will be just as much attacks of competitors, not remembering the realistic basic negative. In such a rework, there will be no desire to write out regulation by reputation, after the last frontier, in the form in which such a trend is transmitted by the majority.
Immediately, such a trend evolves, moreover, this is combined not only with the emergence of freshly baked devices within the framework of work, but also with the awareness of the business that it is much better from the very foundation to approach reputation and image as capital, and in contrast to an empty sound.
It is here to this day easier, after the last measure, if the conjuncture is not neglected. In this case, the most magnificent and most important thing is monitoring. It will help not so much on the scale of reputation management, but also to understand the entrepreneurial spirit of the users of the mash on the Internet, where they say a lot about you, which channels of attracting an audience seem to be more successful, and where to consume drawdowns.
Sometimes you know that somewhere you have scribbled something that disgraces the corporate picture, and even more so, if this is a client's problem, some wants to insist on its solution - pay him and resolve it. It is essential to tinker it not like outdated machines with ingenuous scripts, but to conduct a good communication with a person in order to conclude a problem, gradually, as if he wrote above, lead the conversation for the mail, into his own information, except further.
In addition, it is infinitely not advised to always reshoot the time to the support service. Not long ago I saw that on one of the popular marketplaces a store selling covers for phones and laptops responded to all responses with a message, I suppose "Thank you after the review, your opinion is infinitely important to us." Everything would not be so sad if there were no such conclusions on the negative and reviews in a certain star. Looked at it, you know, insofar as it is good.
With the right scenario and the appropriate basis for the trouble about your outfit on the global Internet, you can get by with “little blood” to the limit and create such an information field, which will be just as much attacks of competitors, not remembering the realistic basic negative. In such a rework, there will be no desire to write out regulation by reputation, after the last frontier, in the form in which such a trend is transmitted by the majority.
Immediately, such a trend evolves, moreover, this is combined not only with the emergence of freshly baked devices within the framework of work, but also with the awareness of the business that it is much better from the very foundation to approach reputation and image as capital, and in contrast to an empty sound.
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